Countries We Are Based In

Our impact has been felt not only in our home of Trinidad & Tobago but expanded to countries beyond the Caribbean Sea such as Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates. 

Trinidad & Tobago



Our Group of Businesses

Our Focus

Our focus is to create innovative businesses that solves issues in society. For example, our Website Design Agency was created to help Trinidad & Tobago and other developing Caribbean nations have an affordable method to get online.  Our Social Media Marketing firm was created to give medium-scale businesses the affordable content creation and business capabilities to scale even further. We seek gaps in societies, especially in developing countries or towns and seek to ensure their continuous development.

Research & Development

As an inter-industry holding company, we’re constantly looking for new industries to enter as well as ways we can improve and increase customer satisfaction or even quality of life. Our research and development team is currently engaging research in industries such as:

Electric Vehicles

Cedros Project

Where We Have Been Featured

Born In Trinidad & Tobago. Serving The World

10°25'43.8"N 61°28'35.1"W

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